Indigenous Curatorial Collective

Activating Indigenous Creative Sovereignty

The Indigenous Curatorial Collective / Collectif des commissaires autochtones (ICCA) is an Indigenous run and led non-profit organization that aims to support and connect fellow Indigenous curators, artists, writers, academics, and professionals through various methods of gathering. The ICCA engages in critical discourses, increases professional opportunities for our members, develops programming, and most importantly works to build reciprocal relationships with Indigenous curators, artists, communities and the institutions we engage with.

Address: 264 – 401 Richmond Street West, Toronto, ON M5V 3A8



The ICCA activates Indigenous creative sovereignty, ensuring future ancestors have agency over their own cultures as an Inherent Right.


Advocates, Activates, and Engages

The ICCA is an Indigenous arts organization that advocates, activates, and engages on behalf of Canadian and international Indigenous curators, critics, artists and representatives of arts and cultural organizations.

Develops and Programs

The ICCA develops and programs curatorial projects, researches Indigenous practices and educates through critical discourses on Indigenous arts and cultures.

Builds Relationships

The ICCA builds relationships for Indigenous artists and curators by supporting equitable collaboration and exchange within larger arts communities.

Increases Opportunities

The ICCA focuses on increasing opportunities for Indigenous artists and curators within established arts institutions and champions the development of new Indigenous-controlled arts spaces.

Collaborate, Challenge and Engage

The ICCA collaborates, challenges, and engages in critical discourse, always viewing the arts through a contemporary Indigenous lens.


Liz Barron, Executive Director of Operations
Eli Hirtle, Director of Programming


Reuben Friend, Co-Chair

Lori Beavis, Treasurer
Maia Nuku, Secretary